The Ghostly Shed - part 1

This promised to be an interesting investigation. We got a phone call from a family from the north of England telling us that there was a ghost haunting their garden shed! An investigation like this doesn't come along too often, so the team's spiritualist medium Annabel Keogh and I jumped into the car and head off to this supposed shed of terror!

The family claim that they often find things of theirs missing from the shed, only to turn up a few days later in a different place to where it was originally stored. They also said that they have woken in the night to hear banging coming from the shed, AND awoke to find the lights switching on and off.

The final straw came when their 6-year-old daughter claimed to have seen an old man looking out of the shed window at her while she was playing in the garden. The family could take no more and called us.

As this investigation was in such a small location, we decided that it would only be Annabel and myself that was needed. We turned up at the house and questioned the family about any other paranormal activity that may have occurred in other parts of the house. Sadly, there were none. All the paranormal phenomena seemed to be coming from the shed.

This was something I had never come across before in all the years of the team's investigations. I was really excited by what we might find in this shed, even if it was all very low-key.

I only brought the bear minimum of equipment with me. There would be no point in bringing along the temperature reader as this was going to be a cold night in November, and as there was electrical wiring in the shed, the EMF reader would be completely useless.

A video camera was set up outside the shed, to capture any movements that we may miss. I also had my handheld camera with me, and Annabel had the still camera and took lots of photos. Apart from a couple of orbs, there was very little else.

Annabel began her reading, and as soon as she began, I thought I heard what sounded like a small 'thump' coming from the corner of the shed. I placed the Dictaphone in that corner to try and pick up any more sounds.

To be continued

Crazy DVD

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