
download SpiderDennis Clegg is in his thirties and lives in a halfway house for the mentally ill in London. Dennis, nicknamed “Spider” by his mother has been institutionalized with acute schizophrenia for some 20 years. He has never truly recovered, however, and as the story progresses we vicariously experience his increasingly fragile grip on reality.


Spider DVD Info:

IMDB Rating: 6.80 out of 10 (8740 votes)

Director: David Cronenberg

Actors: Ralph Fiennes, Miranda Richardson, Gabriel Byrne, Lynn Redgrave, John Neville, Bradley Hall, Gary Reineke, Philip Craig, Cliff Saunders, Tara Ellis, Sara Stockbridge, Arthur Whybrow, Nicola Duffett, Jake Nightingale, Alison Egan,

Source: http://t1.bestvideoz.info/spider/
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